Saturday 6 July, 7.30pm, Trinity Methodist Church

Woking Ladies Choir (WLC) presented a concert of contrasts: celebrating the sun with the ‘Mr Blue Sky’ and Feelin’ Good and exploring the nocturnal world of dreams with Ēriks Ešenvalds ‘Only In Sleep’ and ‘Goodnight, My Angel’. Our trademark blend of classical and contemporary pieces went down a treat with our wonderful audience.
Each half of the concert we moved from daytime to nighttime. The first half featuring ‘I’m Into Something Good’, ‘Shoshone Love Song’ and 3 lullabies.
We were pleased to have a fair number of volunteer soloists from within the choir for various aspects of the pieces. We were also very lucky that Camilla Jeppeson, usually our talented accompanist, also supported the choir with her beautiful, atmospheric solo during the piece ‘Only In Sleep’. Other soloists in the first half included Rosalind Taylor, Karen Ballard, Christine Chapman, Sue Campbell, Debbie Jary and Amy Hewett. Jean Anderson also gave a charming performance of ‘Lullaby Of Broadway’.
We moved to the interval after a stirring visit to the Les Misérables musical – singing a medley of well-known songs from the show which was adorned with several beautiful solos.
After some legendry WLC refreshments and well supported raffle we commenced with the rousing ‘Mr Blue Sky’, following it up with Lovely Day’ and a well known duet – ‘All I Have To Do Is Dream’ performed by Sue Campbell and Chis Chapman. We then segued into the night with ‘The Long Day Closes’ and another beautiful ‘Lullaby’ (Daniel Elder). Hall and Oates challenging ‘You Make My Dreams Come True’ proved popular with the audience and Debbie Jary sang ‘Once In A Very Blue Moon’.
Sticking with the moon theme we finished with ‘Blue Moon’ and the intriguing ‘By The Light Of The Moon’
Our thanks for the hard work of Julie Aherne, Musical Director; Camilla Jeppeson, Piano; the committee; and the whole choir for their commitment and willingness to have a go.